Thanks for supporting your server. Some things to consider:
We’ve all seen great servers that we enjoy disappear because of admin burnout or lack of funding. That is why we started our own. It takes a lot of time to build and maintain these servers and to provide the support that our players deserve. Please help us keep it going with a subscription donation. Any amount helps.
We don’t make any money doing this and all donations are either put back into the server or offset what comes out of our pockets.
Bohemia Interactive has strict rules regarding taking donations and some of the mod developers expressly forbid us from giving special perks in exchange for donations. They have cited us on several occasions and threatened to revoke our monetization license. Unfortunately, this limits how we can reward players who value what we do and help to keep us alive. Subscription donors will get access to our extensive collection of custom vehicle skins and other perks which you can find out about in the VIP Lounge.
That being said, we take good care of our donors! Join us on Discord and get access to the VIP Lounge and get the treatment you deserve. See you there.
We greatly, greatly appreciate your contributions to your, and our, community.
We run our servers on high-end dedicated hardware in server centers selected for their bandwidth and central proximity to our player base.
In addition to the hardware costs, there are many other services that we pay for monthly, such as infiStar Vision admin tools, TCAdmin game server hosting framework, Discord Nitro, A3Launcher sponsorships, and other development software used to create the BSF Community Addon.
Subscription donations are what really keep us afloat. Many people spend more than $4 on a cup of coffee. Perks are only available to subscription donors.
One-Time Donation
If you can’t swing a subscription, we understand. Any one-time donations help and are appreciated. Although perks are only available to subscription donors, we understand that these are not always possible. Larger one-time donations may qualify for perks. Please contact Troy on Discord if you’d like to go this route.